
Bobzee was a privately-owned pet from Lake Tahoe. After repeatedly escaping from home, her owners had no choice but to contact Safe Haven. Upon her arrival, we introduced Bobzee to Phoenix, and the two soon became the best of friends and very protective of one another.

Bobzee was Safe Haven’s resident “grumpy cat.” She found her keepers to be very irritating, but tolerated us just long enough to deliver her thyroid medications in a meat treat. She was always waiting on her platform, where she expected to be fed immediately upon first sight of her keepers.

About Bobcats

Bobcats can be found throughout most the US and can live up to 15 years in the wild and up to 30 in captivity. Although generally solitary in the wild, female bobcats have been known to share overlapping territory. Although not considered endangered, they commonly fall victim to hunting and trapping due to their fine furs.

About Bobzee

Common Name: Bobcat

Gender: Female

Age: 14 years old

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