
Myra is one of five African servals that Safe Haven agreed to accept for permanent placement from a private owner in Colorado. The owner had bred Myra and Roy, resulting in siblings Ricky, Simba and Tanzi. Their owner had developed medical issues that prevented her from being able to care for them anymore.

Safe Haven agreed to take in all five servals and keep them together in a 10,000 square foot enclosure in order to provide them with ample room, including a large multi-level climbing and shade platform, hammocks and heated dens.

Myra loves chicken, but isn’t a fan of beef. She prefers the juicy taste of her chicken treats, compared to other, leaner alternatives. Myra is an early riser and can be seen slinking about when our staff members are out working in the morning. She is very curious and is always interest to see what our staff members are up to and whether they have a snack for her.

Myra’s favorite enrichment are cardboard boxes with hidden meat treats inside. She does not particularly care for humans and will give anyone walking past her enclosure loud warnings in the form of hisses.

Myra has been with us for 11 years.

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About African Servals

African servals are small, lean, wild cats who are native to the Africa savannah. They have very distinctive coats with black stripes and spots. Their hunting skills are driven by a keen sense of smell and their ability to just as high as 12 inches in order to catch birds and other prey. Although servals generally don’t live beyond 10 years in the wild, they can live into their early twenties in captivity.

About Myra

Common Name: African Serval

Gender: Female

Age: 21 years old

Price to Sponsor: $200

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