Our generous sponsors and granting foundations make it possible for Safe Haven to grow. We are grateful for their continued support and belief in our mission.
Bob Barker, DJ&T Foundation
September 2019 – Bob Barker, DJ&T Foundation granted $154,000 to fund the Veterinary Clinic and Indoor Recover Area Project.
Dave & Cheryl Duffield Foundation
Safe Haven Wildlife Sanctuary is a proud recipient of funding from the Dave & Cheryl Duffield Foundation in support of the purchase of food and to assist with veterinary care and medical supplies for the sanctuary animals.
DJ&T Foundation
July 2016 – The DJ & T Foundation awarded a grant of $50,000 toward the construction of a black bear habitat for rescued black bears. The new habitat will include a large multi-level shade and climbing platform, a 31 x 50 in-ground pool, dens, and an enrichment post that will allow us to hang suspended enrichment items. This wonderful gift has allowed us to quickly move forward on this project that we plan to finish in spring.
The DJ & T Foundation has long supported animal rescue organizations with an emphasis on spay and neuter programs. The Foundation also supports sanctuary projects including major international rescue efforts.
Frank Offenhauser Foundation
The Board of Trustees for the Frank Offenhauser Foundation generously donated $40,000 to purchase a gently/used 2022 F250 pickup truck. We are so grateful for this wonderful donation that will ensure safe transportation for our frequent 5-hour round trips to Reno for supplies and, most importantly, for transporting our residents for emergency veterinary care.
John Ben Snow Memorial Trust
2022 – The John Ben Snow Memorial Trust awarded $17,000 toward the labor and material for the construction of a 40’ x 100’ temperature-controlled building that will provide housing for all of our large animals during any climate-related emergency and/or wildlife smoke. 2019 – $8,000 grant awarded from the John Ben Snow Memorial Trust in support of Safe Haven’s Educational Program Classroom and Welcome Center Project. The John Ben Snow Memorial Trust granted $12,000 in June 2018 toward the installation of a permanent hardwire phone line into Safe Haven. This phone line is vital to the safety and security of the sanctuary.
Monroe-Schuler Foundation
The Reno-based Monroe-Schuler Foundation has graciously donated $20,000 to Safe Haven and our mission to support education and forever care for big cats. Their support is vital to our mission and we greatly appreciate their contribution.
Marta Heflin Foundation
2021 – The Marta Heflin Foundation awarded $11,000 toward the labor and material for the construction of a 40’ x 100’ temperature-controlled building that will provide housing for all of our large animals during any climate-related emergency and/or wildlife smoke. October 2020 – The Marta Heflin Foundation awarded Safe Haven $6,000 toward the purchase of food and veterinary care for our residents for support during COVID.
October 2016 – Safe Haven received a $6,000 grant from the Marta Heflin Foundation toward the care of recently rescued African lioness Mona. In 2017, we were awarded $6,000 toward the food expenses for our residents.
Lioness Mona was placed with Safe Haven last November when a Colorado facility was closing. In preparation for her arrival, we constructed a large shift area attached to the African lion Ifaw who had lost his enclosure mate several years ago. Once assured the two were becoming fast friends, we allowed them access into each other’s areas and they have done very well until Ifaw’s passing in late 2017. The Marta Heflin Foundation supports organizations with interests in the performing arts, animal welfare, and environmental conservation. The Marta Heflin Foundation’s gift helps support the veterinary care and other related expenses for Mona. We are grateful they chose Safe Haven for this very generous gift.
The Marta Heflin Foundation has also awarded Safe Haven $6,000 in 2018 toward our new Half Acre Big Cat Enclosure Project which will support the construction of a half-acre habitat that will allow us to accept several big cats that have been previously housed together as our preference is to keep them together.
The Marta Heflin Foundation has awarded Safe Haven $6,000 in 2019 toward our new Veterinary Clinic and Indoor Recovery Area Project.
Nevada Gold Mines
Formerly Newmont Mining Corporation
February 2023 – Nevada Gold Mines awarded Safe Haven $5,000 toward the purchase of a gently/used truck and toward a Gold Level Event sponsorship for our 16th Annual Fundraiser Event.
February 2022 – Nevada Gold Mines awarded Safe Haven $3,500 toward the purchase of building material for two new bobcat habitats and $1,500 for a Gold Level Annual Event Sponsorship.
February 2021 – Nevada Gold Mines awarded Safe Haven $5,000 toward the replacement of our 28-year-old computer and outdated software programs.
February 2020 – Nevada Gold Mines awarded Safe Haven $3,500 toward the $17,217 total for the purchase of a generator to provide back-up power during outages to our intern housing building, new veterinary hospital and Educational Program Classroom and Welcome Center.
In 2018, Newmont Mining donated $10,000 towards Safe Haven’s efforts to get a badly needed phone landline installed on the property. This is a necessity for the safety and well-being of the animals and staff. In 2019, Newmont Mining has graciously donated $5000 towards our Educational Program Building and Welcome Center Project.
Nevada Gold Mines
Formerly Barrick
April 2024 - Nevada Gold Mines granted $1,500 toward a Gold Sponsorship for Safe Haven's 17th Annual Fundraiser Event and $3,500 toward the Snow Leopard Habitat Modification Project. We are very appreciative of Nevada Gold Mines continued support for Safe Haven.
April 2019 – Barrick granted $5,000 for the Safe Haven Educational Program Classroom and Welcome Center Building. This is our new Welcome Center and Gift Store for the public. With our increased visitation, this building will serve as our main interface with the visiting public.
April 2018 – Barrick granted $10,000 for Safe Haven’s efforts to get a badly needed phone landline installed on the property. This is a necessity for the safety and well-being of the animals and staff. Currently, we have a microwave system to beam phone service to the property which is dependent on another property owner to supply. Having a permanently installed landline will mean security to Safe Haven staff and all of our animals.
March 2017 – Barrick granted an additional $10,000 grant to Safe Haven for the Intern Bunkhouse project. We would like to thank Barrick for their continuing support of Safe Haven and our projects.
NV Energy Foundation
Thanks go out to NV Energy for their continued support of Safe Haven.
2023 – NV Energy Awarded $3,000
2022 – NV Energy awarded $15,000 toward the construction of the interior animal housing for the new 40’ x 100’ temperature-controlled building. Each area will provide enough space for mobility for each of our large animals during climate-related emergencies.
September 2021 – NV Energy awarded $3,000 toward the $7,497.00 purchase of a new MAC computer and upgraded software to replace our 18-year obsolete system.
May 2020 – NV Energy awarded Safe Haven $3,000 emergency funding for food and veterinary care for support during COVID.
July 2019 – NV Energy awarded Safe Haven $6,500 toward facility improvements.
June 2018 – they contributed $5000 towards our much-needed landline to the sanctuary. This permanent hard-wired phone line goes a long way towards the safety and security of the animals and staff at Safe Haven.
Nevada Gold Mines
April 2024 - Nevada Gold Mines granted $1,500 toward a Gold Sponsorship for Safe Haven's 17th Annual Fundraiser Event and $3,500 toward the Snow Leopard Habitat Modification Project. We are very appreciative of Nevada Gold MInes continued support for Safe Haven.
Thelma & Thomas Hart Foundation
May 2018 – The Thelma & Thomas Hart Foundation granted $5000 toward Safe Haven’s Operational Support. This money will be used for our phone line installation project which will ensure that we have the ability to communicate when our traditional internet-based systems do not work.
Patagonia Foundation
November 2016 – Patagonia awarded Safe Haven a generous grant of $2,500 toward the construction of the new black bear enclosure to house rescued bears. Safe Haven provides lifelong care to non-releasable wildlife and interim care for those eligible for reintroduction.
March 2018 – Patagonia awarded Safe Haven $15,000 toward planting grass and trees for our enclosures!! This contribution is so important because the residents of Safe Haven need as much natural exposure as we can give them. This contribution will help us present the most natural environment we can provide to our animals for the highest quality of life that they could ever expect.
April 2019 – Patagonia granted Safe Haven $10,000 toward our Creating a Greener Sanctuary Project!! This project is to plant grass and trees for our enclosures so we can provide to our animals with the highest quality of life that they could ever expect!!
Wal-Mart Foundation
April 2019 – Wal-Mart Foundation Awarded $5,000 toward educational outreach programs and granted $750 towards our Educational Program Building and Welcome Center Project.
Kinross Mining (Bald Mountain)
March 2019 – Kinross Mining (Bald Mountain) granted $1,000 towards Safe Haven’s Educational Program Classroom and Welcome Center project.