
Bobcat Amber was orphaned in California and brought to Lake Tahoe Wildlife Center. But, she along with her sister Autumn, were handled and tamed by their rescuer before being surrendered to the wildlife center, eliminating any opportunity for reintroduction. We were contacted for placement and both six-month females are now housed together at Safe Haven. Amber is the smallest of the two siblings.

Since we had to separate siblings Kuma and Moon due to fighting, Kuma has been housed on the other side of Amber and Autumn with the hope of introducing the three females. The introduction was a great success with all three bobcat kittens running and playing with each other and snuggling together in their den.

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About Bobcats

Bobcats can be found throughout most the US and can live up to 15 years in the wild and up to 30 in captivity. Although generally solitary in the wild, female bobcats have been known to share overlapping territory. Although not considered endangered, they commonly fall victim to hunting and trapping due to their fine furs.

About Amber

Common Name: Bobcat

Gender: Female

Age: Six Months

Price to Sponsor: $200

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