Daisy, born in 1971 and a Safe Haven resident since 2018
Desert Tortoise Daisy was privately owned in California and her older owner was starting to have difficulty providing for her. Daisy, believed to be in her forties, still has a long life ahead of her as Desert Tortoises can live to 70 plus years of age. Like our male Desert Tortoise Moe, Daisy has her favorite foods including dandelions and other greens, bananas and strawberries – but doesn’t care very much for vegetables.
We will need to either keep Moe and Daisy separate or sterilize one of them to prevent any breeding but in the meantime, can have supervised “play dates” to see if they are compatible.
Desert tortoises can live to be 70-80 years of age, with some even living to 100. They can survive without water for up to a year, using internal reserves only as needed. They also will create caches for collecting rain water and can be found waiting by one prior to a storm. Male desert tortoises have a boney protrusion called a gular horn at the front of their bottom shell that can be used when fighting with other males to flip their opponents, which in turn compromises their ability to breathe.