
Oreo, a spirited Marble Fox, is actually a Red Fox that was bred for those distinctive “mask-like” markings from the illegal pet and fur trade. She was purchased from a breeder in Illinois whose new owners surrendered her to a wildlife rehabilitation facility. Although referred to as a domestic fox, she is still a wild fox and not suitable as a pet.

Oreo briefly shared an enclosure with Cheyenne, a much older fox. But her playful nature made Cheyenne uncomfortable so we had to give Oreo an enclosure of her own until a better match could be found. Fortunately, she now shares a 5000 square foot enclosure with Marty who is about the same age and energy level. They both couldn’t be happier!

Oreo has been with us for 77 months.

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About Foxes

Foxes are very adaptable creatures and can be found throughout various regions. Although we provided our foxes with shaded areas within their enclosures, most prefer to dig their own burrows to escape the heat. In urban areas, fox dens can be found in window wells and other convenient locations. Typically, foxes can live up to six years in the wild and as long as 13 in captivity.

About Oreo

Common Name: Marble Fox

Gender: Female

Age: 84 months

Price to Sponsor: $200

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