African lion Tangassi and tiger Khan both have a sad story of growing up in the entertainment industry
and then, like many childhood stars, being unwanted as adults. For too many show biz animals this
means a short, unhappy life and a bad ending. Khan and Tangassi were then transferred to the Wildlife
Waystation facility near Los Angeles. However, the facility fell in disrepair and due to numerous safety
violations, was shut down, requiring all 470 animals to be rehomed at other facilities.

Tangassi is a handsome and affectionate eight-year-old African lion who comes to greet staff whenever
they approach his enclosure. Because his previous placement chose to vasectomize Tangassi rather
than neuter him, Tangassi will always have a luxurious mane of golden-brown hair. As it happens, Safe
Haven was looking for someone to keep our lioness, Mona, company. Tangassi has lived successfully
with several lionesses over the years so he seemed like a perfect candidate. But we are taking our time
introducing the two as we want to be sure they will be compatible.

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About Tangassi 

Common Name: African Lion

Gender: Male

Age: 8 years old

Price to Sponsor: $450

The African lion’s mane helps to protect them when fighting. Roaring establishes their territory and can be heard as far as five miles away.

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